Category Archives: Old Specials

Christmas decorations at the Refuge
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Snowy Owls on Assateague!
There’s been a lot of talk over the past month or so about the appearance of several Snowy Owls in the Chincoteague and Assateague area.  Hedwig look-a-likes may be neat, but some folks are wondering, owls–we see owls all the time–what’s the big deal?   The big deal is that the snowy owl very rarely …
The Low-Down on Pony Penning
So you want to see the Pony Swim.  Whether you’re an old hat or a greenhorn, we talk to folks just like you every day.  Every year, it’s basically the same procedure, and we’ve got the skinny on what you need to know as a visitor to our island. First things first:  the Schedule. Saturday …
It’s beautiful today, so we wrote a poem!
Twas March the Eleventh and all over the island People were donning flip flops and smilin’. The children were outside in t-shirts and shorts, Playing frisbee and baseball and other spring sports. Ma with her sunscreen and I with my hat, Headed to the beach, and there we sat. Out on the marsh, which wasn’t …
10 Ways to Become Everyone’s Favorite Traveler
We consider ourselves hospitality professionals here at the Refuge.  We all share a passion for welcoming guests and helping them explore our islands, as well as going forth ourselves to experience the rest of the world.  Here are a few tips we’ve compiled over the years to make every trip count. Plan ahead.  Know what …